Geospatial Information and Solutions for the Americas

Geoservices by Geo Data Specialist

People, Technologies
and Solutions for your Business

Our highly specialized team covers a full range of capabilities related to Geospatial Data providing end-to-end services from massive data capture, processing, generation of Digital Twins and analysis based on Geo-intelligence.

About Us

Reliable data acquisition and processing to generate digital twins for engineering projects and assets.

Our Purpose

Occupy a key role in the generation of enriched geospatial intelligent digital twins to facilitate and lead the transformation of assets. Provide reliable and agile Geospatial Intelligence Solutions based on Technology and Know-How for your current and future Assets.


Provide reliable and agile Geospatial Intelligence Solutions based on Technology and Know-How for your current and future Assets


Provide advanced geospatial tools and solutions to deliver key information for new project designs and to maintain, upgrade and repurpose strategic assets on a global scale.

Trusted by +100 leading multinational companies operating in a variety of business sectors: Energy, Environment and Infrastructure.

Know-how and resources to respond with the best solution, following the highest quality standards and maximum control of the variables during execution. We are committed to delivering what we promise.

Accurate and reliable geographic data solutions for different sectors and phases, from initial to asset inspection

We are ready to deploy our capabilities
and provide you with a solution.

From the initial analysis of your assets to the delivery of detailed reports,
we are committed to quality and timeliness at every step of the process.


Dams · Highways and Roadways
Railroads · Airports
Urban & Rural Development & Planning

Infraestructure Services

Precise information for your greenfield project,
urban improvements or infrastructure extension.
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Power Line Inspections
Solar Farms
Wind Farms
Water & Waste


Digital Twins for predictive maintenance
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Oil · Gas · Mining

Exploration Fields
Oil Pipelines
Gas Pipelines

Oil · Gas · Mining

Precise mapping and data models to simulate designs of a new area, mitigate geo risks control High Consequences Areas, landslides, etc.
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Environmental & Agricultural Studies

Land Map
Hydrographic Basins
Drainage Basins
Forest Inventory

Environmental & Agricultural Studies

Specific 3D modeling for irrigation district, forest inventory and hydrographic basins.
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Our quality and our care for the environment are certified

Digital Twins and thematic mapping of assets and risks for different industries

Key information available all the time

A tailored service plan for each industrial sector

Asset Lifecycle Management

Maximize the value of our customers' assets with the adequate application of Lifecycle Management being cost-effective and maximizing the amount of information collected, processed and analyzed.

AI-Powered Processing,
Visualization and Analytics

Using AI-powered technology to process the data and deliver it to our customer with customized PaaS (Pataform-as-a-Service) thatr delivers high quality digital twins models that ensure a quick visualization of anomalies in the networks and areas of consequences.

Tools to Ensure a Seamless Preventive Maintenance

We ensure seamless and proactive maintenance avoiding incidents thus reducing downtimes and increasing the degree of reliability of the assets.

It’s time to catch the data for a better result

We are ready to help you to optimize your assets.

Why Choose Us

Let’s make it better together

We are totally oriented to our customers’ success in their projects, aligned with their goals. We stay connected working side with our clients before, during and after project execution.

Data Quality and Precision

We strive to offer precise and reliable data for your projects. Previous to any project we carry out a deep analysis to recommend the most effective way to deliver the data.

Experience and Reputation

With more than 530 projects executed and nearly 100 customers we have built a solid reputation in our markets.


We use last generation data acquisition equipment LiDAR, Cameras, bathymetric, mounted in different aerial, satellite platforms, land and our great team.

Cost and Delivery Time

Budgets without subsequent surprises, and delivery times with strict compliance.

Latest post

Digital Twins: Geospatial Intelligence to Optimize Large Projects and Strategic Assets

Digital twins are revolutionizing the management of strategic assets by providing real-time virtual models of infrastructures, power grids, and production plants, among other applications. Thanks to this technology, companies can anticipate failures, optimize operations, and make data-driven decisions. From urban planning to wildfire or flood prevention, digital twins enhance efficiency

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Power Line Inspections

SIGLA has been working for several years in Power Line Inspection projects within Framework Agreements with largest utility companies in Latin America, in High, Mid and Low voltage grids, implying different scenarios of data acquisition. Power line inspection is a critical process to ensure the safe and reliable operation of

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Success Stories

The Canal del Dique Project

Our Customer SACYR (Ecosistemas del Dique) SIGLA role SIGLA has acquired all the data on the land and underwater (LiDAR, ortho-photo & Bathymetry) and processed it to provide a comprehensive 3D data model for the studies and designs that are required for the purpose of the project. It has been

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